“世界百强”理工龙头中国科学技术大学,120年“双一流A+”老牌名校北京师范大学,应邀进驻“HSK-Study Abroad-中国顶级名校推介专场"详解优势学科、特色专业以及全额奖学金。“HSK-Study Abroad-中国顶级名校推介北美专场(二)”由汉考国际主办、多伦多HSK汉考中心协办,特邀中国科技大学、北京师范大学两所名校的招生官详细介绍留学中国的本科、硕士、博士及研修项目,中国科技大学的理工、科技、计算机、生化等优势学科,北京师范大学的文、史、哲、教、语等特色专业。为鼓励北美学子留学中国,各大学将为符合条件的留学生提供丰厚的奖学金及多项留学资助。欢迎北美大中学生、硕博研究生和学生家长,以及北美中学、大学中文学分课,HSK、AP、IB等中文课的教师和公校私校升学指导老师了解、咨询。
I. University Presentations
1. The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
2. Beijing Normal University
II. Schools & Programs
1. The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
- Chemistry and Materials Science
- Computer Science and Technology
- Earth and Space Sciences
- Engineering Science
- Gifted Young
- Humanities and Social Science
- Information Science and Technology
- Life Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Software Engineering
- NSRL, SKLFS and IMR, etc.
2. Beijing Normal University
- Standout Programs: Education, Psychology, Chinese language and literature, Chinese history, Theater film & television, Geography
- Undergraduate Program
- Graduate Program (Master & Ph.D.)
- Chinese Language Program
- The Graduate Credit Program (General/Senior Advanced Student)
- Confucius China Studies Program
- etc.
III. Scholarships & Financial Aid
1. The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) provides various financial aid and competitive scholarships to international students.
Excellent applicants may apply for USTC Fellowship, which includes tuition waiver, accommodation subsidy, comprehensive medical insurance and monthly stipend.
2. Beijing Normal University provides
- Chinese Government Scholarship (Type A and Type B)
- Confucius China Studies Program, International Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship
- Beijing Government Scholarship
- BNU New International Student Scholarship
- Beijing Normal University "Silk Road Muduo” Scholarship
- The Belt and Road School Scholarship (only for prospective students of The Belt and Road School)
IV. Admissions and Q & A Session
- Get all the answers about admission requirements, scholarships and financial aids, programs and student life on campus!
- Entrance Examinations and Interviews
- Application Requirements and Materials
- Application Procedures
- Important Dates
- Accommodations
- Fees and Payment and
- More...
- HSK students, parents and guardians, guidance counsellors and Chinese credit course teachers are welcome to attend.